Hi everyone,
Thank you so much for all your great support, it means the world to us. We’ll be at Richmond Yacht Club, slip D04 from 8-9 am this morning, at which time we plan to shove off for our start at 1125 in front of the St. Francis Yacht Club. It’s a very competitive fleet, and we’ve stripped everything off the boat that isn’t needed to make it go fast or be safe. Our bags are packed and we’re ready to see what we can do in this fierce fleet of competitors. We did a test sail yesterday and everything checked out A-OK. We also did a test of our email over satellite phone capabilities, so we should be good for posting some brief updates along the way if everything goes as planned.
See you on the other side!!! 🙂
Shawn, Doug, Cliff, Mike, Lori and Gabriel
Team Limitless
Express 37 #18513
P.S. As a reminder, you can track our progress here: http://pcup.org/track.html and also check on the predicted and actual weather out there here: http://www.opc.ncep.noaa.gov/shtml/P_brief.shtml
Also, our updates while we race are most likely going to be text-only, but we’ll try to sneak a picture in or two if we can. We’ll add photos and videos once we’re on land and have fast internet again. 🙂